Happy Monday, everyone! This week, I’m sharing with you my recent visit to Marshall Home Ranch, where the California Artisan Cheese Guild held this year’s annual meeting.
But first, thanks to some encouragement by actrice and dairy mistress Vivien Straus, there’s something I wanted to tell you about! Starting this Friday, be performing in Leonard Bernstein’s Candide with Lamplighters Music Theatre. We’ll be playing throughout the SF Bay Area! If you want to see Miss Cheesemonger sing, dance, and die on stage in this absolutely hilarious, irreverent, colorful operetta, you can still get your tickets! I’ve had so much fun, and am looking forward to seeing you there! Come say “Hello!” to me after the show!
As for the Guild meeting! I have visited this farm before, in late 2013 (see the blog post!). Bleating Heart Cheese, owned by wife and husband team Seana Doughty and Dave Dalton, was picking up steam in their microcreamery on the premises, and were planning an expansion. Well, that expansion is complete. Not only that, sixth generation farm Melissa Thornton, who revived the farm with a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, is running her boutique dairy. I was overjoyed to hear from Seana that Bleating Heart will be up and running again in a matter of weeks, following a temporary suspension.
This year’s looking like a busy one! The California Artisan Cheese Festival is around the corner, from March 20-22. You can get your tickets for farm visits and tastings through their website. There will be lots of Guild representation.
We’re planning a lot of new projects, including cheesemaker education events and other events for the public! To keep up to date, visit the Guild’s sleek, new website!
Plus, it was announced that I’m the new Guild photographer! Expect to see more of my photos splashed around the Internet!
Here are some lovely farm and Guild photos for you!

You can get a hold of me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest! Have any questions? Comments? Let me know!