Hello, my friends! It has been just over a week since my last cheese pairing recital, and it was spectacular. Absolutely spectacular in every way. I could not have hoped for a better event. I am overwhelmed with happiness, a sense of accomplishment, and gratitude for all the people who made it possible. San Francisco Classical Voice even wrote a whole article about the recital, which is beyond what I ever could have hoped for!

The first people who made this possible were the nearly 90 audience members there! I admit, the idea of a cheese recital is a little different. Unless you had been to my last recital, chances are, you didn’t really know what was in store. That said, everyone brought with them such a wonderful energy and open mind and heart! Seeing so many happy faces from the stage was the best part of the evening for me. There was a lot of storytelling involved, in addition to singing, and my friends in the audience said everyone was engaged through all of it. Hooray!

Dwight Okamura, my collaborative pianist, was so wonderful throughout the whole rehearsal process. It was a more ambitious program than last year’s recital, and I think every piece went the best it’s ever gone!
Ray Bair, owner of Cheese Plus, my cheese/wine/food partner for the event, was MAGNIFICENT! He helped me select cheeses for the event, create a table layout for the room, and even promoted it at the shop. He and cheesemonger Jessica, along with additional cheesemonger Luciana, were at the venue all afternoon the day of the recital prepping the cheese plates–over 90 in all. He spoke during the recital as well, telling stories as only Ray do. Lots of you asked him questions afterward, which I super love! He knows so much about every item in his store. He’s such a passionate good food advocate, and great community builder.

My husband M. Cheesemonger was wonderful throughout the process as well–he did so much the day of the recital to set up the room, check people in, make sure everyone felt take care of, and make sure the FOH stuff was going smoothly. He is everything I could ask for in a life partner, and I am so grateful for him! Speaking of which, we celebrate 11 years of marriage today!

My bestest friend/heart sister Erin O’Meally, my favorite leading lady of the stage, stayed with me backstage to help me change into my dresses, and keep me aware of what was happening around me. When you are excited/nervous/focused, it definitely helps to have a trusted soul nearby, and I am grateful Erin was able to be there, given her hectic schedule! She also lent me her jewelry to wear! In honor of our friendship and her upcoming move out of town, and as a token of thanks, I dedicated my last piece, Cruda Sorte, to her.

Molly Mahoney, cabaret singer and one of the most exquisite operatic leading ladies I have ever seen, was also there with her husband Robin to help me set up the room. She encouraged me to hold my first cheese recital, and I am glad she did! I knew I wanted to hold one, but she was able to help me move one step at a time through the process. I am so grateful for her and for Robin!
My other singer friends Siri and Walt, and Charles, also helped set up the room. Charles and I have been friends since I first moved to SF, and we have encouraged each other on our respective musical journeys for the past nearly 10 years! Siri and Walt and I met when performing in a show several years ago, and have been cheerleaders for each other ever since. Singing has allowed me to cultivate the most genuine, profound friendships of my life, and I was so thrilled that these friends in particular were able to be there for this recital.

Other people joined together to help me bring this recital to life: Bill O’Neill, of the SF Opera Chorus, who helped me with the blocking for all of my pieces; Fumi Sasa, my Alexander Technique teacher who has helped transform my movement and posture while singing and performing; Marcie Stapp, my diction coach; Julia Hunt Nielsen, the voice teacher who has helped me find my literal, and consequently, figurative, voice; Michael Nieland, my photo studio mate, who offered to photograph the event; Neda Cvijetic, fashion designer and my friend since high school, and her husband Lazar, who convinced so many of her friends to attend; Kelly, my neighbor and hair stylist who did that amazing fauxhawk look; Yuri, friend since college, and wrangler of other college alums into a group photo; Sarah Velichko, my heart sister who is on tour with Hamilton, but who still bought a ticket for her mom to attend.

I keep talking about the other people who helped me execute this recital because I see the work of so many people who helped me lift me up and bring my vision to life more than anything else. That said, thanks to a growing and enthusiastic audience, I am so happy that I will be able to keep putting on more cheese pairing recitals! I have already had a couple people ask about taking this show on the road (Miss Cheesemonger on Tour, anyone?), and also doing this recital for private events (yes, of course we can do that).

THANK YOU for helping me bring Miss Cheesemonger Sings to the stage for a second time! I cannot wait to see you all again! Here are more photos of the event for you to peruse! If you would like more information about future cheese recitals, please sign up for my newsletter in the menu on the right!