Behind The Scenes at Miss Cheesemonger Sings 2021 recital mezzo-soprano, Cheese tasting

Behind The Scenes at Miss Cheesemonger Sings 2021

This year’s recital has been enormously challenging to bring together, with obstacle after obstacle. I have placed all my hopes and dreams of the past year into this project. We’re getting so close to being able to share it with you, though, and I cannot wait for June 17th to arrive! With a lush musical program by Berlioz, Debussy, and Massenet, and an equally lush selection of cheeses, my goal is to regale all of your senses, from wherever you may be tuning in.

Luckily, our filming days did go rather smoothly, and I think the results will be spectacular! Here are some BTS images and video clips to whet your appetite until June 17th, 7pm PDT comes!! You can get your tickets at the links below.

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